Stand alone


Stand alone brands have the most flexibility, they must position their logo in the top left of the page and aren't required to include the Queensland Government Coat of Arms.

Desktop pattern

The only design constraint for stand alone sites is that their logos should be no larger the 72px in height and follow the same padding and placement rules as government websites.

Stand alone brands have the option to include the Queensland CoAs in the footer of the page however it's not mandatory.

Stand alone brand using only site name or logo.

Mandatory requirements

  • Site names or logos must be no larger than 72px in height
  • Site names or logos must have a vertical padding of 2 rem (24px)


  • Use the Qld Gov logo
  • Use a unique logo
  • Queensland Government Colours

Tablet pattern

On mobile and tablet stand alone headers can choose to include their URL in place of the Queensland Government CoA or choose to leave the area blank.

Example of site with minimal endorsement, CoA is replaced with the government url.

Example of site with no endorsement, header area can be used for site logo.

Mandatory requirements

  • Must include the Queensland Government CoA
  • Site names or logos must be no larger than 56px in height
  • Site name minimum vertical padding: 1.5 rem (24px)
  • Minimum horizonal padding: 2 rem (32px)


  • Can use minimal endorsement pattern or no endorsement pattern for top header
  • Use the Qld Gov logo
  • Queensland Government Colours
  • Use a unique logo

Mobile pattern

On mobile the pattern is the same as the tablet however the size of the site name and site header is reduced.

Example of site with minimal endorsement, CoA is replaced with the government url.

Example of site with no endorsement, header area can be used for site logo.

Mandatory requirements

  • Must include the Queensland Government CoA
  • Site names or logos must be no larger than 48px in height
  • Site name minimum vertical padding: 1.5 rem (24px)
  • Minimum horizonal padding: 1 rem (16px)


  • Can use minimal endorsement pattern or no endorsement pattern for top header
  • Use the Qld Gov logo
  • Queensland Government Colours
  • Use a unique logo


This stand alone logo is the dominant identifier on the site and is placed in the left of the header. The CoA can be placed in the footer of the website but it's not mandatory.